Fall is nearly here and even though I dread the thought of winter, this winter sounds somewhat appealing to me. Last week I spent several full days canning apples, pie filling, tomatoes and making apple butter. We have been so blessed this year. As much as I enjoyed canning and preserving I had a feeling of regret every time the little one would crawl into the kitchen and pull my skirt begging to be held. Or when she would sit and the living room and burst into tears because she was lonely. I’m the type of person that once I start something I don’t like to quite until its finished, so I had to force myself to take 15 minutes every now and then and sit on the living room floor and play with her. So I look forward to winter and long days in the house to play with my daughter. To love on her and to make happy memories.
That same principal applies to my life with Jesus as well. I tend to get busy with dishes, laundry, making meals, cleaning and forget to spend time with Him. I flit from one task to the next, never finding a point of ultimate completion. Being a housewife truly is a full time job! Yet as important as those things are, as important as my family is, there is one of greater importance, Jesus. I’d say that once of the biggest challenges for me since I’ve been married is finding time and dedicating it to the Lord. As I stepped into married life a load of responsibility came upon me that I wasn’t used to. I suddenly had to cook a meal 2-3 times a day. I had to iron work shirts, and tend to my own garden and yard. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but I became so busy that my once rich time in the word dwindled down. GOD IS MORE IMPORTANT than a clean house! I still struggle with finding quiet time with the Lord. Some weeks it goes great and other weeks, like last week, my worship is very skimpy, another reason I look forward to winter this year; quiet time with my Lord and giggles with my girl.
This is so true, and I don’t even garden or can! I am blessed that I have older boys who can entertain and watch Baby but sometimes she just wants Momma. I have been trying to wake up earlier to spend time with Jesus and do my Bible study but it seems someone always wakes up shortly after I do (no matter how early I get up) or Baby decides to wake up at 3 am. I often put it aside with the intention of getting back to it at afternoon quiet time or after everyone goes to bed but that rarely happens.
This is beautiful…and so true, Crystal. Thank you.