As a culture, who are we worshiping?

The United States is an evil place. Every city has dark alleys where people get murdered. Every town has a local bar. Every highway has billboards. Sin is openly applauded in some instances and there is no stopping it. What happened to the thankful pilgrims that crossed the sea in search of freedom, seeking to serve the one true God? What happened to the family that held hands and bowed their heads at the dinner table every night? Are they gone completely?  Does God even mean anything to our culture anymore?

I was struck with a thought last night during a film about ancient Israel. Back then they worshiped Baal. He was a god who they claimed demanded the sacrifice of innocent children. Live innocent children. Hundreds of babies were burned alive in order to appease their god. Can you imagine the fear that perhaps gripped a mother’s heart as her precious infant was stripped from her arms and cast screaming, into the leaping flames?! All in order to satisfy a false god. Do we do the same thing today? Of course not, you may say. Oh but we do. Not in the form of tossing babies into a fire but in the form of robbing a fetus of its life. Its the same exact thing. We as an American culture are offering our children up to the god of self. To appease our self. To make our god happy. Not just by abortion but by drinking, drugs, over indulging…. All these things are done to satisfy us.

What about the true and living God? When do we satisfy HIM? Its when we pour out our lives for His sake. Its when we give up our own desires and embrace His. Its when we fall on our face before His throne and seek forgiveness. It’s when we truly embrace the forgiveness and freedom that Jesus has given to us and are boiling over to tell others about the wonderful news.

Are you worshiping self or God?

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