The Lord has given me something to ponder about the last few weeks. Its difficult to admit that I’m guilty, I know that I am. It’s a hard task to do and yet it is so important. My flesh is weak, yet the Lord makes me strong. He gives beauty to those who trust Him.
You see I’ve always had this mentality that a missionary spends all their time in service for the kingdom of God. They spend long days laboring for Christ, their nights are cut short due to this or that. Yet they press on serving the Lord. A life totally poured out for Jesus. They speak of Him everywhere they go and their countenance is radiant with His love. While this is true, the Lord has been prodding my heart. “Why not you? Why not now?”
“But I’m not a missionary yet.” My heart sighs.
“Oh but you are. I’ve given you everything you need. You don’t need the title missionary to be one, that won’t help you one bit. You don’t need to live in the jungle to serve Me, or eat beans and rice twice a day. You have all the tools. I’ve give you an able body, a voice and a passion. I’ve blessed you with my Word and the Holy Spirit to guide you. What more could you possibly need?” He gently asks.”Will you surrender yourself entirely to Me so that I can work out My plan through you now?”
So be it, Lord. Make me a missionary, a servant, here and now. Give me an unquenchable passion for lost souls and strength to do your bidding; so that You will be exalted forever and ever!
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