Presentation Materials on the table

Visiting Your Church

We’re getting geared up to visit Victory In Christ Fellowship this weekend. We have the opportunity to make a short presentation about MMS Aviation and how God is working all over the world through mission aviation. Here is some of the literature and display materials we’re taking with us.

Presentation Materials on the table

This spring, we are trying to get around wherever we have the opportunity to do this presentation. It can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, and is about missionary aviation in general, and how it helps missionaries on the field. I also talk about MMS Aviation, what we do, and how our family is involved. We have pictures and videos to go along with it.

If you have a church, mission conference, or some other group that might be interested an having an aviation perspective to think about, let us know. We love the opportunity to talk to your group, large or small.


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