
The Spirit’s flowing


“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38

What a blessing it is to know that the Spirit is dwelling within! On days when life seems impossible to deal with and things are pressing against us, He is there. The days when we can’t seem to quite measure up, He is there. He is also there when we have a joyful song on our lips and a contagious smile. The Spirit doesn’t just attach himself to our shirttails and tag along throughout the day, no He is active within our hearts. He is always ever present in the hearts of those who love the Lord. I’ve been so thankful for the Spirit’s calling and reminders as we prepare for Zambia. He calls me out of myself to look at the bigger picture. He keeps pointing me back to the Lord and showing me the greatness of God our Father.

I have to wonder how much of the Spirits calling we quench by living such busy lives. Our culture is infused with sights and sounds. Things demand our attention from every side, our phones beep continuously with notifications, our vehicles are filled with noise, our homes are filled with noise, our lives are filled with noise. At least, mine seems to be. It has gotten better lately, but I still have to wonder what promptings do I miss from the Spirit? I want to be all ears, so to speak.

“Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me!”



  • Reply Tom Bowman June 4, 2016 at 1:02 am

    Thank you for being a servant of our Lord. He is so faithful, even when we are not. we will be praying for you guys as you go to Zambia and learn much of what The Lord has in store for you in days to come.
    Many blessings,
    tom and charlene

  • Reply Bart Hoblit June 4, 2016 at 1:04 pm

    This is a refreshing way to view this day! Keep looking to Him to fill and refresh you moment by moment, day by day.

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