Within the concrete walls of the clinic lies thousands of patient records. Some are recent and some date back 6 years or more. Candace and I, with the help of a local friend have spent the last several months sorting and organizing. Its been a huge job and I’m so thankful that we are all working together to get this done. We’ve bought 1,000 folders, ran out, bought another 1,000 and ran out again. We are currently a little over halfway done. It’s challenging because people here have multiple last names. One time they come they will give one last name, and the next time they come they will give a different name. Some people don’t remember their birthdate. Some do not have an ID number. Candace and I have been relying heavily on the locals to help us sort out who is who.
Brad and Stephen were able to get some batteries hooked up in the clinic. Now our nurse can have power 24/7 which is very helpful in the case of late night emergencies.
It’s been unseasonably hot here this month. Normally the average high this time of year is about 85, but we’ve been seeing 94-96 degrees and humidity. With all of our filing of patient records, we ladies have burned up two fans in the clinic trying to keep our bodies at a reasonable temperature despite the heat. (I must add though, the fans were already very old and already repaired in one way or another from another life.)

We continue to do medical flights for our area of the country. As of October eleventh, Brad has officially been a pilot for 15 years. Who would have guessed back then that he would end up flying in Honduras?

The last two months have been a little more laid back and gave us a bit of a breather before we launch into more events this fall. Some upcoming events are:
- A marriage conference. We see such a need for strengthening and encouraging marriages. We are still working out the details with our MAG Honduran Pastor but we would love to offer this to our local community.
- Another week of Pastoral training is coming up in November.
- A friend is coming to our area to look into water filter distribution for local communities.
As you read the list I’m sure that you noticed that it is not just us doing all these things. We couldn’t possibly. It’s a collaborative effort of our team, other ministries, churches, individuals… It takes all of us. We are all a part of God’s kingdom. Thank you for helping to support the body of Christ. We have some work projects coming up that we would love to do and would love it if some of you would like to come and join us.
- The clinic is in need of fresh paint inside and out.
- Several of the old buildings around the clinic need new roofs, doors, windows. Our vision is to fix up at least one of them into a community center where we could host events like a marriage conference and also use it as a dining area for when we have large groups.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.
We are so Thankful for the work you are doing in Christ Jesus’ name, And for all the help you receive from others!
Prayers and love,
God is blessing your work. Thank you for all your sacrifices. I love you guys.
We love you dearly as well!
Interesting report! Carry on.
Please send our love to your family.
Blessings as you keep displaying Jesus to those around you!
Thank you! ☺️