Oh the joy of having children. They melt your heart, make you laugh and even cause you to be...
A few weekends ago our family and many helping hands, hosted a chilli benefit supper for us. They served...
Fall is nearly here and even though I dread the thought of winter, this winter sounds somewhat appealing to...
I can’t see her face. I can’t read her lips. But I can hear her. The sounds coming from...
Patience… Rest… Wait… A few months have passed since we made the decision to be a part of MMS...
Lately my life seems… loose. If I may use the term, worldly. I don’t feel as passionate about my...
Decisions are a natural part of life. Very few people are exempt from making decisions. Those who do make...
Life is an amazing thing. It evolves from 2 cells into a miraculous embryo and from there changes into...
The United States is an evil place. Every city has dark alleys where people get murdered. Every town has...
No fear. None whatsoever. What would life be like without fear? My two month old daughter doesn’t know...