The one month mark has past. We’ve successfully been very well acquainted with the incredible chigger population here. Our...
The morning dawns early, and a flock of noisy parrots serenading us from a nearby evergreen sends us out...
Last week we spent 5 days on the north coast. Well, it was more like 3 days because it...
“Either we are adrift in chaos or we are individuals, created, loved, upheld and placed purposefully, exactly where we...
Dust, heat, fires, and dead grass marks the end of the dry season here in Honduras. In Honduras fires...
Bienvenidos a Guaimaca! We’ve been here just over a week and have been settling into our new home, getting...
We’ve made it back to Honduras! Thank you for your prayers! We had zero problems and the Lord was...
“I had gone seven months without work and three days after I got called back this flooding happened,” the...
We made it safely back to the states. This time we had zero difficulty and in fact we sped...
Dios es bueno… This phrase keeps going through my mind. I remind myself over and over that God is...