All of our financial support goes through Missionary Air Group. There are three ways to invest our work in Central America. Any of them can be used for both one-time and regular giving.
1: Online
Give directly from a checking account (e-check) or debit/credit card. Transactions are processed through a safe third-party processor, Secure-Q.
For “Fund” choose “Missionary Staff Support”, then “Hoblit” for “Subfund”. Setting up a login profile will give you the ability to manage and track your donations.
2: Online Bill Pay
If you use online banking, you can set up a bill payment through your bank for your donation. This option is usually free for us and you. The payment should be payable to:
Missionary Air Group
PO Box 5160
Burlington, NC 27216
(336) 732-5200
The memo line should read: “Missionary Support – Hoblit”. No account number is necessary, but you may use “Hoblit Support” if your bank requires one.
3: Mail a Check
Print the form below mail it with your check.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Donations are tax-deductible and will be receipted. Missionary Air Group is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charity and is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and Guidestar. To learn more about MAG’s commitment to financial stewarship, click here.
Why give?
We are full-time missionary staff. Each staff member at Missionary Air Group is supported by individuals and churches who generously offer their financial partnership. It is your giving that enables us to be on the mission field and dedicated to full-time ministry.
What is the current financial need?
We have ongoing, monthly needs for our cost of living and ministry. Occasionally we will have special fundraising projects as well. The best way to stay informed about these needs is to read our newsletter, which we are happy to email to you as they are written.
How long is this for?
We expect to serve in this ministry indefinitely. If you need to discontinue your support, contact the MAG office for assistance. If you are able to let us know ahead of time, it helps us plan. In any case, we hope you feel free to discuss the matter with us at any time. Thank you for your support.