Who are we raising?


“Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.” –Andy Stanley

IMG_7032Wow! That quote really struck a chord with me. Sometimes its so hard to see the big picture when I’m scrambling to get supper on the table and the toddler has decided to pour her crayons all over the kitchen floor and the baby is in the living room wailing because he’s teething and doesn’t want to be alone. Or when I’m rinsing yet another pair of flowery pink panties that had a poopoo accident. Being a mother can be a hard task, it takes boatloads of patience and just as much grace. But not to leave a sour taste of mothering, it has so many joyous spots. Thanks, but no, I won’t trade my job with you.

Today for instance:

The oldest began to put away folded piles of clothes; in the right places, without even being asked.

The bay is just so chubby and cute. He laughs hysterically at pig noises.

I am just reminded at how valuable time is, especially at this point in their lives. This is the time that they absorb everything. Do I spend time daily filling their minds with Bible stories and hymns? Do I train them to be gentle and kind, caring for other people more then themselves? Do I lead them in prayer? All of these things will have a great impact on their years ahead. It seems crazy to think that little bedtime prayers “Thank you for this day…” could lead to years of fervent world changing prayer warriors. Little shortened stories of Jonah and David may someday lead to passionate teaching and a deep through knowledge of the word. We may have a pair of zealous lovers of Jesus on our hands. They may have a world changing view on evangelism. Lord, give me the patience, grace and mercy I need to train them well.


  • Reply Debra April 22, 2016 at 12:11 pm

    Amen and so true! I’ve been feeling the burden of this responsibility too. So thankful for a loving heavenly Father to help us! Bless you in raising godly warriors and all the little things of mothering that make up the big things!

  • Reply Mike Brubaker April 26, 2016 at 9:54 am

    Thinking of you, Crystal! Parenthood is a monumental task but the rewards are out of this world….hope you are feeling at home in Coschocton area. It is always so good to see your smiling faces. Boston sure is growing. God bless you real good…love, Sue Ann

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