
Is your filter good?

The library was full of hustle and bustle today as we went to story-time. The shelf tops were displaying many books on St. Patrick’s day, the color green was widely dispersed around the room and the room was full of children as they eagerly awaited the small hand on the clock to hit eleven. Having arrived early we set about browsing the shelves and fingering multiple books trying to pick out some of interest. With each book that was handed to me I would quickly flip it open and scan a few pages trying to weigh its worth in my mind. Was this a book that I wanted my children to read? As I was going through the process of approving or removing I noticed that other moms scattered throughout the library doing the same thing. I had to wonder, what kinds of filters did they run the material through in deciding yay or nay?

We all have different views or perspectives on things but we should all have the same focus. Jesus. He should be the filter for our life. Is what I’m doing/reading/watching/saying/thinking for HIS glory? If not than what should I be doing differently? If so, than praise God!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

During this time of packing, I’ve been trying to focus on resting in Jesus. Just resting, not worrying or stressing. He will take us through. He is enough. He is God. I’ve felt a great sense of peace, that I know comes only from Him. Thank you for your prayers as we finish packing and prepare to move. March 9th will be here before we know it.



  • Reply Dean & Anita March 1, 2018 at 5:56 pm

    Great words of truth! Peace & blessings in your final stages of packing.
    In His love, Dean & Anita

  • Reply Tom Bowman March 1, 2018 at 9:14 pm

    Praying for you guys as you prepare to leave for Carolina.
    Prayers and blessings,
    Uncle Tom

  • Reply Mary Ellen Gish March 1, 2018 at 11:38 pm

    You are in our prayers as you move to the next part of your mms experience.
    I love to read good books so appreciate the thought of filters because everything we do needs one that honors Jesus.
    Blessings today and as you travel!

    • Reply Crystal March 19, 2018 at 12:59 am

      Thank you, Mary Ellen!

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