Hush the Noise and Hear the Song

The angels brought a message long awaited and badly needed: “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth.” It came into a world parched for a vision of God’s glory and starved of peace. The shepherds received it with joy. Mary pondered it in her heart. The prophetess Anna rejoiced for the redemption of Jerusalem. Most of the world, though, kept on fighting.

The message still rings clearly in our world equally parched and starving, consumed with strife and turned away from God. Wars rage between nations and bitter words between brothers. Meanwhile the church builds walls to protect its goods instead of building roads to share them. In the words of the poet Edmund Sears,

“And man, at war with man, hears not
The love-song which they bring;
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing!”

“It Came Upon A Midnight Clear” (click for full text)

Hush, my friend! Hush the noise and turn your ear to the welcome song of the angels. All will be made right, for our Redeemer draws nigh.

News from Rus Rus

This Christmas season has been a busy one for our family and community. Earlier in the month, we spent some time on the coast with family from the USA. We immensely enjoyed a relaxing week and came home much refreshed.

As soon as we hit the ground at home, it was time to prepare for the community Christmas party. We pushed the airplane out of its space and turned the hangar into a party. Some of you sent Christmas gifts and cards, with which we were able to give a gift to every child in our community and the next one closest. Everyone ate a full plate of beef, rice, and yuca. There was enough Coca-Cola and cake to go around too! We shared the message of the Gospel and pray that behind the traditions and festivities, the meaning of Jesus’ coming is clear to everyone.


  • Reply A. Becky December 25, 2023 at 12:11 pm

    MERRY CHRISTMAS. Love and Blessings

  • Reply Gail December 25, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    Iā€™m so happy to hear that many received gifts of love! Thank you for what you do! God bless each one!šŸ’žšŸ™āœļø

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