We were so blessed this past weekend! On Saturday we made the almost 3 hour drive to northern Ohio. We...
“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the...
Our little munchkin turned 2 a few weeks ago. I can’t believe how much she’s changed since last...
This girl…. She has blessed me in so many ways. The past couple of weeks especially, she...
Have a most joyful Christmas!...
A quiet heart. I envision a warm sun-kissed face tilted to heaven. A heart broken and at the same...
Last month we celebrated our 5th anniversary. We had a grand time. As we looked back at our dating...
For the beauty of the earth for the beauty of the skies for the love which from our...
The Lord has given me something to ponder about the last few weeks. Its difficult to admit that I’m...
God so loved the world He gave His Son to die But the plan is hidden Unless we tell...