A Quiet Heart


A quiet heart. I envision a warm sun-kissed face tilted to heaven. A heart broken and at the same time, overflowing with joy. Hands stretched to the heavens. Lips whispering over and over again the name of Jesus. No distractions. No other loves. Only Jesus. Only Him.


The Lord has been challenging me to look at my life and to access the condition of my own heart. He keeps bringing me to the realization that my life is cluttered. Loud and easily distracted.

IMG_2966Just about every time I sit down to read, my eyes read the words but my mind is running in 5 different directions. ‘Is the washer done yet? Did I lock the door when I came in the house? Oh, I forgot to refill the soap dispenser’… You get the picture. I find myself reading and re-reading, hoping to glean some strength for the day. Does your time in the Word ever go like that?

God has been gently pointing and prodding me to give up some things. An area that He has brought to my attention is social media. In today’s culture its a part of who we are. If we don’t have Instagram we have Facebook or Twitter. Its not that these things are necessarily bad, in fact they can be a useful tool to encourage others. But to much can lead to a loud distracted heart. I could spend the 2 hours of free time that I have during the day with Jesus or glued to my chair at the computer. I know which answer I want to pick but I also realize my own weakness. I cannot make myself an avid Bible scholar or a hymn writer in my own strength, only through Him can I grow. He is challenging me.

IMG_2974If you feel led to pray, would you pray that my heart would be quieted of all the culture’s noise and even my own noise, that my life would be intentionally redirected and refocused on Jesus Christ?

“Lord You are the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup; you maintain my lot.” {Psalms 16:5}

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