A Sign

After a long busy weekend, we found ourselves sitting in the glider swing on my parents front porch. His arm rested on the back of the glider as we sat there talking. He offered his other hand and suggested that we pray for awhile and so we did. He prayed a mighty prayer. As he was praying I felt his hand touch my shoulder and give it a squeeze. My shoulder tingled with delight but I had trouble paying attention to what he was praying. After he had prayed I saw a white moth flutter down and land on the porch by his feet. I reached down and cupped it in my hands so he wouldn’t step on it. Slowly I opened my hands for him to see. It stepped out and we caught a glimpse of pure whiteness before it flew away. “That was no coincidence.” he said. I had to agree. It was as if God had sent us a sign confirming the pureness of our relationship along with my questions about his arm around me. It delighted my heart.
After a moment he looked me in the eye, “Do you know what?”
“What?” I asked quietly.
He glanced away for a moment then replied. “I love you. Very much.” 
Our conversation finally ended and he left for home. My heart was filled with a remarkable peace. God had visited us that night.

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