Precious Memories

Already I’ve had to go through baby clothes and take out the ones that are to small. It was kind of sad to look at the tiny little socks that no longer fit. I thought back over the past six weeks and realized that she is no longer a newborn. As fun as it is to watch her grow and change, the tiny little 8 lb 1 oz baby that we once had will never come back. I realize now that I’ve missed some of the precious time of just sitting down and cuddling her at that precious and vulnerable newborn stage.

You see, I’m a busy person. I like to get things done and the thought of letting laundry or dishes go undone doesn’t sit well with me. I always try to maintain a tidy house. Yet are those things more important than bonding with my daughter? Caring for her needs and making her feel safe, loved and protected? I think not. There will come a day when she will no longer fit on my lap on have the need to nurse. These days are precious, and once gone there is no retrieving them. With her being our first, even with the next baby we have, if we are blessed, the experience will not be the same. There will be twice as much responsibility and twice as much need for undivided attention. I’m living in the here and now. 20 years from now my dirty kitchen floor won’t matter. Take time to make each moment count.

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