Harvest Time


Go forth into the fields for the harvest is ready. I love summers end when the earth puts forth her best. The garden yields baskets of beans, corn, cucumbers, squash. The fruit trees swell to the point of breaking branches as the ripened fruit dangles. It hangs there perfect and whole. Waiting. Its on the brink of losing connection with the branch at any minute. A moment passes and it hangs there, another moment, its still there. No one can predict the exact moment that the stem will snap and send the fruit plunging to the hard earth where it will be eaten by bugs, trampled on and left to rot. Such is our own lives. But we who are rooted in Jesus will fall safely and gently in His arms. Hallelujah!

Praise the Lord of the harvest. Harvest is a joyous thing. It is so rewarding to fill up jar after jar of produce and store it for winter. I love looking at the vibrant pops of color on my canning shelf. Reds, greens, yellows, whites and purples. The Lord has richly blessed the garden. He has richly blessed the harvest. I cannot take any credit for what He has done. I am only a willing servant, ready to obey His command. If He intends for me to simply partake of the natural harvest then so be it, but if He sends me out to do His bidding with the spiritual harvest then, “Here am I, send me.”


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