Tears and Adjustment

The last 3 weeks have been exciting. We’ve been getting to know the community and have been enjoying every minute of it. Coshocton doesn’t have a lot to offer in terms of shopping. There’s an Aldi, IGA and Walmart. For Brad, there is a Rural King, TSC and a massive ACE hardware that almost needs a map to navigate. Its been fun to explore and try to blend in with the life here. That part has been good. The other part, home life, not so much…

If there is a difficult part of moving it has to be the underlyingBlog_Photo-01 aspect of emotional change. For Brad and I, we dealt with it some, and still are to an extent, it seems to come in the form of tiredness. For our daughter it comes in the form of whining. All the time. The last few weeks have been hard. She seems to have pent up frustration and consistent theme of selfish whining. I think it’s the stress of the move, everything being new and not having her usual Grandma interactions. We went to story hour at the library yesterday and getting her out of the house seemed to do her some good. We’ve had bucket loads of tears, frustration and grumpy times this past week. I’ve needed a LOT of grace in mothering and despite the rough times we’ve had a lot of happy times together too. Her 3rd birthday, special meals, making cookies, painting, washing the car, and success on potty training. Here’s to a new day, fresh grace and more memories!

1 Comment

  • Reply anita February 11, 2016 at 6:37 pm

    Praising God for HIS never ending supply of grace!! Thank You Jesus!!
    and for potty training!!:)

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